
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

jogja keraton

Ngayogyakarta Palace or Keraton Yogyakarta is the official palace of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta which is now located in the city of Yogyakarta , Yogyakarta , Indonesia . Although the empire has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950 , this palace building complex still serves as a residence sultan and his court of households that still runs to this day the imperial tradition . This palace is now also one of the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta . Most complex palace is a museum that holds various collections of the empire, including the provision of various European kings , replica heritage palace , and gamelan . In terms of the building , this palace is one example of Javanese palace architecture at its best, has a luxurious halls and pavilions and a wide field The main part of the palace first , from the north pours , Gladhag starting gate in the north to the south in Plengkung Nirboyo . The main parts of the palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: Gate Gladag - Pangurakan ; Complex Square Ler ( North Field ) and Gedhe Mosque ( Masjid Raya Kingdom ) ; performances Complex , Complex Siti Hinggil Ler , Ler Kamandhungan Complex ; Complex Sri Manganti Complexes Kedhaton ; Complex Kamagangan ; Complex Kamandhungan Kidul ; Complex Siti Hinggil Kidul ( now called Sasana Hinggil ), and South Square ( South Field ) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing . Parts of north Kedhaton with its southern virtually symmetrical . Most of the buildings in the complex Kedhaton north facing towards the north and the south Complex Kedhaton facing south . In most areas Kedhaton own building facing east or west . However, there is the building facing the other direction . In addition to the main parts of the north - south axis palace also has another part. These sections include Pracimosono Complex , Complex Roto Wijayan , Kilen Palace Complex , Complex Taman Sari , and the Crown Prince Palace Complex (initially Sawojajar later in nDalem Mangkubumen ) . Around the palace and included a defense system consisting of a wall / walls Cepuri and Baluwerti . Outside the walls there are several buildings associated with the palace include Tugu Pal White , Gedhong Krapyak , nDalem Kepatihan ( Prime Minister's Palace ) , and Beringharjo .

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